Friday, November 30, 2012

3 Challenges to Wiki Use

Reynard, R. (2009). 3 challenges to wiki use in instruction.  Campus Technology.  Retrieved from


Wikis used in instructional settings offer many benefits including evaluating, synthesizing, elaborating, analyzing, problem solving, decision making, knowledge construction, argumentation, and learning communities.  A group from Wake Forest University says that Wikis facilitate collaborative generating, editing, and synthesizing of knowledge. This is a high-level thinking skill that teachers want students to develop.

There are challenges for teachers in using this technology.  The first challenge is creating a meaningful assignment.  The task needs to be well designed and have a meaningful purpose for the students.  A teacher can make it effective a number of ways.  First, the assignment should be dynamic, not static.  Participation must be necessary, and students' participation should move the assignment forward.  The next challenge is grading.  The assessment needs to reflect the whole process and not just the end result.  Areas that should be assessed in a collaborative wiki assignment are gathering of new information and synthesis of ideas.  A third challenge in using a wiki is collective knowledge use.  The wiki captures the work in progress, letting teachers assess how students are learning from the process.  Three potential barriers to effective use of the wiki are problems that are too simple, problems that the teacher has already solved, and not allowing enough time.  If a teacher an avoid the challenges that arise, a wiki can be a useful teaching tool.


Web 2.0 applications are interesting tools to use for learning in the classroom.  Wikis offer teachers the opportunity to create collaborative assignments but the projects need to be made thoughtfully.  In order for students to really synthesize the information and form knowledge, they need to be working collaboratively on a problem that needs a solution and that challenges them to think critically.  Teachers need to let students have control so they can take ownership of the project and make it their own.  Wikis are an innovative way for students to collaborate and teachers need to embrace this technology for the benefit of their students.

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