Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Laptops for All

Furger, R. (2001). Laptops for all: using technology to go beyond traditional curriculum.  Edutopia. 


    This article describes the Mott Hall School, a math, science, and technology middle school in New York City.  Every student and teacher in the school has a laptop computer, as well as access to other types of technology.  The students learn primarily through project-based work.  Science classes use computerized probes to record and chart data, students create models of kites in Excel spreadsheets, and others create digital photo albums.  Rubrics help students understand what they will learn and how they will be evaluated.  The rubrics make the project goals clear, and help students and families understand how core standards are being met through the projects.  Both students and staff work collaboratively to refine the use of technology.  The success of this school has been used as a model for technology and project-based learning in other schools.


   The use of technology and project-based learning noted in this article makes education exciting for me.  Students in schools today are "digital natives", growing up with technology all around them. Giving them access to use and master new forms of technology while learning the core areas of traditional studies makes it more applicable and real for them.  Project-based learning also allows teachers to cross disciplines within one project, which integrates the knowledge. While I am excited by the idea of every student having access to technology, the reality is that budgets are tight.  Access is not equal for every student. Schools need funding to offer access to technology for all students. With the heavy focus on standardized tests, money and resources may be used on test prep rather than how to integrate technology into the curriculum.

1 comment:

  1. Heidi,
    Your blog is set up very wide and means I have to scroll sideways. Also, your Intro appears to have an error in it.
    Summary: Adequately introduces me to the article.
    Reaction: Looks at both positives and the concerns
    Citation: There is a return and I do not believe there should be.
    Spelling and Grammar: It should be Excel instead of excel.
